The Importance of Ecosystem Services


The Importance of Ecosystem Services

The natural environment encompasses all living things and non living things occurring naturally, which means in this instance not synthetic. The word is most commonly used on a global scale, however the natural environment also encompasses all of the living planets in our solar system. The majority of people are familiar with the term “natural”, as in the case of plants, animals, and so on, but what most people do not realize is that it encompasses a much larger scope than that. For example, the environment consists of all water on Earth as well as all the air and all matter in the universe.

The earth’s environment is in continual decay and renewal. This decay and renewal process within the earth’s environment is the reason for global warming. Global warming is a result of the natural deterioration of the earth’s environment. Many believe that the breakdown of the earth’s environmental balance is the number one cause of the climate change we are currently experiencing. While the vast majority of scientists agree that global warming is a real and present danger to us all, there is little that can be done to avoid climate change.

Humans have unintentionally ruined many of the natural habitats of plants and animals. Man has caused vast changes in the earth’s ecosystem through the use of land mines, automobile exhausts, fishing gear, and other forms of pollution. Animals, and especially the large migratory mammals, have been killed due to these man made environments. As a result, animal species are no longer roaming freely over the wilderness areas and are instead confined within certain areas that have been set up as borders by human settlements. As human settlements expand, the animals are forced out into the wilderness and become subject to over crowding by the more dominant mammals.

Atmospheres consist of a neutral mass of gases and molecules. When the atmosphere becomes polluted, the atmosphere will have two types of pollutants. The first is referred to as a positive air pressure. The other is known as a negative air pressure. The earth’s atmosphere has two types of pollutants that exist in our atmosphere: the gaseous pollutants which are found in the atmosphere as well as the particulate matters that are carried through the atmosphere by wind.

A successful eco system is a self-sustaining one. The earth’s ecology requires the correct balance of aerobic and anaerobic organisms in order to remain stable and survive. The main function of the earth’s ecosystems is to recycle carbon dioxide from the air and use it as a source of oxygen for the vegetation, soil, and organisms living within the earth’s surface. It also helps to purify the air, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and store water.

A successful ecosystem must have an environment that is self-sustaining. Self-sustaining means that the ecosystem is continually providing the living organisms that need to live in order for the ecosystem to continue. A successful ecosystem is one in which the dynamics of the ecosystem are such that the processes work together and do not interfere with each other. A successful ecosystem must also be one that is constantly renewing and improving itself in response to the changing conditions of the environment and the needs of the living organisms that live within it. These factors include the weather, the levels of precipitation and humidity, and the seasons.