The Different Types of Energy
The concept of energy can be understood easily through the help of diagrams. Diagrams are the representation of a system of coordinate systems which relate one entity to another. There is no specific sequence for the creation of the diagrams, but they basically depict a relationship between entities. In physics, energy is mass times the square of the velocity of the particle being changed.
In chemistry, energy is the combination of two chemical forms. Atoms, molecules and bonds posses some form of energy. Kinetic energy and thermal energy are the main components of the chemical energy. The total amount of all forms of energy in a system is known as total energy. The different forms of energy are kinetic energy, potential energy.
One must be able to differentiate between the different forms of energy, especially between kinetic energy and heat energy. It is important that students know what these energies are. When explaining to students what energy is, it is necessary for them to have a complete understanding of each form of energy and how they are related to each other. When asked questions about what is thermal energy, students should be able to explain that it is the energy that makes sound and light. The heat energy is what makes the water boil and the electrical energy is what makes the electricity in our batteries work.
The conversion of energy from one form to another forms is called transformation of energy. This is how solar energy converts from light into heat and the wind energy converts from wind to mechanical power. In physics, there are different types of energy. They are kinetic energy, potential energy, chemical energy and gravitational energy. Kinetic energy is the motion energy that exists in a system due to some physical law.
The potential energy is the energy that exists when some force acts on a system without changing the state of anything. This kind of energy is not actually available for use by humans but it is converted from chemical energy, nuclear energy, electrical energy and the energy produced by the sun into chemical energy, nuclear energy and the power that we need. The chemical energy is used to power everything from cars to houses to hospitals to businesses to airports. Nuclear energy is used to heat water, generate electricity and provide heat for our homes and businesses.
Having the knowledge of the different types of energy will help you learn how to use energy more efficiently. Knowing the possible answers to the questions you may have regarding this energy will also help you determine whether an energy source is the best one for your home or building. You should be able to answer all of your questions so you will not be left in the dark.