The 4 Main Types of Energy
The 4 Main Types of Energy
Energy, from the simplest definition, is “the amount of energy needed to make something happen”. Energy, in chemistry, is a type of matter having a definite chemical potential that is changing at a definite rate. In other words, energy is a type of motion. It can be seen as a change in a system’s potential that makes it move. For example, when two balls with different weights are struck by a common ball, they will both move in a certain direction. However, their momentum will change due to the difference in the amount of energy imparted to them.
The study of energy has four different perspectives, including renewable, nonrenewable, and “bioretention” sources. Renewable means that the energy can be replenished or renewed easily and quickly. Nonrenewable means that its supply is being depleted. Bioretention means that it can be replenished but will not return to the source like the sun or wind because it is in a non-degradable state. In this article, we’ll discuss how renewable and bioretention energy sources differ, as well as the main methods for using renewable or nonrenewable energy.
Energy From the Sun: The sun provides us with energy for our needs through the use of its rays. The electrical energy is stored within the corona, while the heat energy is stored in the grains of the photovoltaic cells. This source of energy is often referred to as solar energy. This is often seen in solar water heaters, geothermal heating systems, and solar energy storage systems. The heat is used in our homes to increase our comfort level, cook food, warm our houses during cold days, and as an emergency heating source.
Solar energy is one form of energy conservation that is easy on our wallets and doesn’t pollute our air. It’s also a great way to contribute to the energy conservation movement as there are many companies providing kits for home use that are easy to construct and install. Unfortunately, these kits don’t always come with enough solar cells for a significant amount of electrical current, so they run on diesel or natural gas that pollutes our air. They are still very useful as long as one has access to the sun during the day.
Kinetic Energy from Earth: This energy is created through mechanical motion. When you bump into something or move a heavy object you create kinetic energy which is then converted into electrical energy with the help of an alternator. This type of energy is most often used in applications where one wants to convert some potential energy into actual energy (e.g. when lifting something).
Chemical Energy: This is also created through mechanical motion and involves passing across something that is hot, cold, or both. A chemical reaction is responsible for creating chemical energy which is transferred between bodies via chemical reactions. One can convert potential energy to kinetic energy through chemical reactions (e.g. when you apply pressure to a body or bump it against a surface) but one must also consider the effects of friction.